Results for 'Erasto Fortes Mendonça'

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  1. A boniteza da educação pública pelos olhos de Paulo Freire.Erasto Fortes Mendonça - 2021 - In Ana Maria Araújo Freire (ed.), A palavra boniteza na leitura de mundo de Paulo Freire. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra.
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  2. In What Sense Wrong Conceptions of Eudaimonia Get at Least Some Things Right.Fernando Martins Mendonça - 2024 - Dissertatio 58:272-301.
  3. Thinking as a community: Reasonableness and Emotions.Dina Mendonça & Magda Costa Carvalho - 2016 - In Maughn Gregory, Joanna Haynes & Karin Murris (eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Philosophy for Children. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 127-134.
    Reasonableness is a core normative concept in Philosophy for Children (P4C), an inquiry model of education that bridges reasoning, feeling and acting within a community. The concept of reasonableness dates back to Aristotle’s ethical notion of phronesis (1141b), and extends to logical (Gewirth 1983), social and political concerns of major contemporary thinkers (Rawls 2001; Rorty 2001). The development of the concept of reasonableness in P4C was part of the reconceptualization of rationality toward the end of the twentieth century, since Lipman (...)
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  4. Aristóteles E a refutação do intelectualismo socrático na explicação da acrasia em en VII 1-3.Fernando Mendonça - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):69-109.
    Nesse artigo, eu procuro mostrar que a leitura tradicional que atribui um procedimento dialético à abordagem aristotélica da acrasia, em Ética Nicomaquéia VII 1-3 provoca um sério problema interpretativo ao tentar compatibilizar a posição socrática acerca da acrasia e os phanomena. Primeiramente, tento mostrar, baseando-me numa análise de Tópicos I 1-2, que o procedimento metodológico, em EN VII 1 1145b2-7, não se caracteriza como dialético. Em segundo lugar, proponho uma leitura em que Aristóteles, passo a passo refuta a tese socrática (...)
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  5. El itinerario espiritual en santa teresa de lisieux y San Francisco de Asis.Nélio Leandro Barcelos Mendonca - 2002 - Verdad y Vida 60 (233):145-156.
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  6. Conflicto y balance de derechos.Daniel Mendonca - 2018 - In Conflicto y balance de derechos. CDMX, México: Editorial Fontamara.
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    Diálogos no solar dos C'mara.Jacy de Souza Mendonça - 1999 - Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS. Edited by Armando Câmara.
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  8. Luta pela civilização: condições e exigências de uma educação da humanidade para a paz.Álvaro Mendonça Pimentel - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):107-124.
    Resumo : O artigo examina as contribuições do pensamento social de Maurice Blondel para a promoção de uma paz duradoura entre as nações. A partir da crítica blondeliana dos totalitarismos e dos regimes liberais, elencamos certas características da ação humana histórica e concreta, individual e social, que fundamentam uma concepção social e política favorável à pluralidade das culturas e à colaboração entre os povos. Como critério crítico e forma normal de promover a busca imanente do bem, da verdade e da (...)
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    Scientific progress and incomensurability in Thomas Kuhn.André Luis de Oliveira Mendonça & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2007 - Scientiae Studia 5 (2):169-183.
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    Ethics and governance: business as mediating institution.Timothy L. Fort - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues that ethical business behavior can be enhanced by taking fuller account of human nature, particularly with respect to the need for creating relatively small communities within the corporation. Timothy Fort discusses this premise in relation to the three predominant theories of business ethics--stakeholder, virtue, and contract. Drawing heavily from philosophy, he analyzes traditional business ethics and legal theory. Overall, his work provides a good example of how to integrate normative and empirical studies in business ethics, a task (...)
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  11. Comment on" Political Economy and Social Philosophy" Francesco Forte.Francesco Forte - 1985 - In Peter Koslowski (ed.), Economics and philosophy. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr. pp. 33.
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    Locke e a lei natural.Marta Mendonça - 2005 - Cultura:111-122.
    Os Essays on the Law of Nature relançaram o debate em torno das relações entre a epistemologia e a filosofia política de Locke. O artigo aborda dois aspectos desta obra em que essas relações são particularmente visíveis: a definição lockiana da lei natural e a questão da sua cognoscibilidade. A comparação com as passagens paralelas de Tomás de Aquino, a que Locke alude, permite destacar a singularidade da posição de Locke, pondo em evidência o seu voluntarismo. Mencionam-se alguns aspectos desta (...)
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  13. Espaço e Tempo na Educação Infantil-Re-Significando o Trabalho Pedagógico.Cristina Nogueira de Mendonça & Maria Aparecida Trevisan Zamberlam - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (1).
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    Kant sobre el método matemático, de Jaakko Hintikka.Rafael Reyna Fortes - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:135-160.
    Kant sobre el método matemático, de Jaakko Hintikka.
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    Die Person als Zweck an sich.W. P. Mendonça - 1993 - Kant Studien 84 (2):167-184.
  16. Educação integral e os espaços educativos: um diálogo necessário // Integral education and educational spaces: a necessary dialogue.Mercês Pietsch Cunha Mendonça, Iolene Mesquita Lobato & Cleonice Borges Ribeiro Faria - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (2):42-52.
    1024x768 Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE O presente estudo tem como objetivo discutir sobre o diálogo necessário entre comunidade e escola para o projeto da Educação Integral. Parte-se inicialmente da noção da jornada ampliada e a proposta da formação do sujeito, nas suas dimensões afetivas, social, política e cultural. Formação esta que transcende a sala de aula e ocupa o território, os saberes comunitários e as diversas instâncias sociais. E nas entrelinhas reflete-se de fato que ambas, (...)
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    Pragmatism and Developmentalism in Brazilian Educational Thought in the 1950s/1960.Ana Waleska P. C. Mendonça, Libânia Nacif Xavier, Vera Lucia Alves Breglia, Miriam Waidenfeld Chaves, Maria Teresa Cavalcanti de Oliveira, Cecília Neves Lima & Pablo S. M. Bispo Dos Santos - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (6):471-498.
    This article proposes to analyse some aspects of the appropriation of New School thinking in Brazil, particularly Deweyan pragmatism, in the 1950s and 1960s. The analysis is based on the assumption that the developmentalist ideology that punctuated the debate on the economic, political and social restructuring of the country in these two decades constituted fertile ground for the return and expansion of pragmatist thinking amongst Brazilian educators, articulating itself, sometimes in contradictory ways, with this ideology. The focus of the analysis (...)
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    Supervenience and the problem of downward causation.Wilson Mendonça - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (3):251-270.
    It seems that higher-level, nonbasic properties can only manifest their causal powers by exerting causal influence on lower-level, physically basic phenomena in the first place. A very influential line of reasoning conceives of this form of downward causation as either reducible to causation by physical properties or as ultimately untenable, because incompatible with the causal closure of physical reality. The paper argues that this is not so. It examines, first, why it is that a recent attempt by Noordhof to substantiate (...)
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  19. A relev'ncia do prévio esgotamento Das inst'ncias desportivas E as sanções ao seu descumprimento.Nicholas Café de Melo Morais de Mendonça - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    Resenha: The Forgotten Kingdom - the archaeology and history of Northern Israel.Élcio Valmiro Sales de Mendonça - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36):1428-1434.
    Resenha do novo livro de Israel Finkelstein, publicado em inglês em 2013. Israel Finkelstein apresenta nova visão acerca do reino do Norte Israel, apontando a compilação e redação final das narrativas bíblicas pelos judaítas, depois da queda do reino do Norte Israel. É uma bela obra que resume o desenvolvimento das pesquisas arqueológicas do autor.
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    Can HIV vaccines be shared fairly? Perspectives from Tanzania.Jon F. Merz, Erasto Mbugi, David Nderitu, Mangi Ezekiel & Godwin Pancras - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1–9.
    BackgroundFor over 35 years, Africa has continued to host HIV vaccine trials geared towards overturning the HIV/aids pandemic in the continent. However, the methods of sharing the vaccines, when available remain less certain. Therefore, the study aims to explore stakeholders’ perspectives in the global South, in this case, Tanzania, on how HIV vaccines ought to be fairly shared.MethodsThe study deployed a qualitative case study design. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with a total of 37 purposively (...)
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    Game Semantics, Quantifiers and Logical Omniscience.Bruno Ramos Mendonça - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-22.
    Logical omniscience states that the knowledge set of ordinary rational agents is closed for its logical consequences. Although epistemic logicians in general judge this principle unrealistic, there is no consensus on how it should be restrained. The challenge is conceptual: we must find adequate criteria for separating obvious logical consequences from non-obvious ones. Non-classical game-theoretic semantics has been employed in this discussion with relative success. On the one hand, with urn semantics [15], an expressive fragment of classical game semantics that (...)
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    Pomponazzi Y la eternidad Del mundo. Entre el problema neutro Y el Saber dialéctico.Juan Manuel Forte - 2013 - Endoxa 31.
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  24. Brain and Mind: On the Sequences of Conceptual Confusion in Cognitive Psychology.W. P. Mendonca - 1988 - Epistemologia 11 (1):29.
  25. Du conflit entre "l'un absolu" et "la multitude" à la communion de "l'un et la multitude" interconnectés : révision panenthéistes des intuitions initiales de Teilhard dans ses essais de la Grande Guerre.Valerian Mendonca - 2018 - In Guillermo Agudelo (ed.), La guerre en face, voir au-delà: de la Grande Guerre aux turbulences actuelles de la mondialisation. [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Les Acteurs du Savoir.
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  26. Der psychophysische Materialismus in der Perspektive Kants und Wittgensteins.W. P. Mendonça - 1990 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 81 (3):339.
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    (1 other version)Existential feelings: How cinema makes us feel alive.Dina Mendonça - 2012 - Cinema 3:211-228.
    This paper explores the role of existential feelings in films, and the impact of theconnections between cinema and existential feelings for emotional life in general. After explaining the notion of existential feelings and illustrating them in films with Black Swan and The Help , the paper concludes that movies offer provide insights about our own existential feelings because films promote emotional awareness by the way they function as emotional laboratories. This will lead to an examination the presence and role of (...)
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    International Lesbianism.Nana Mendonça - 1990 - Feminist Review 34 (1):8-11.
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  29. Psychophysical materialism from the perspective of Kant and Wittgenstein.Wp Mendonca - 1990 - Kant Studien 81 (3):339-359.
  30. Rapid Naming in Brazilian Students with Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Luciana Mendonça Alves, Cláudia M. Siqueira, Maria do Carmo Mangelli Ferreira, Juliana Flores Mendonça Alves, Débora F. Lodi, Lorena Bicalho & Letícia C. Celeste - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Self-Pity as Resilience against Injustice.Dina Mendonça - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (5):105.
    This paper proposes that being able to feel self-pity is important to be resilient against injustices because it enables self-transformation. The suggestion for this reassessment of self-pity as a crucial self-conscious emotion for a more humanistic world aims to be an example of how philosophical reflection can be insightful for emotion research. The first part of the paper outlines a general introduction of philosophy of emotions and a description of how Hume’s analysis of pride changed its meaning and pertinently linked (...)
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  32. Conceptions of Childhood and Moral Education in Philosophy for Children.Dina Mendonça & F. Franken Figueiredo (eds.) - 2022 - Metzler.
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  33. Espí­ritos e Relógios.Josailton Fernandes de Mendonça - 1996 - Princípios 3 (4):121-129.
    O que se pretende neste artigo é mostrar antes de tudo que revoluçáo galilena é fruto de uma mudança de mentalidade, de visáo de mundo, decorrente da própria crise por que passava o paradigma aristotélico . Um bom exemplo desta mudança e das dificuldades de livrar-se dos quadros tradicionais do pensamento filosofico é o matematismo(universo de precisáo) e a crença galileana em orbitas circulares, respectivamente. Com efeito, como poderá Galileu ser um dos fundadores da fisica moderna, se esta é fundamentada (...)
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  34. La revolución moral escocesa: La santificación de los mercaderes.Renato Espoz Le-Fort - 2003 - A Parte Rei 26:9.
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  35. Cecilia Sjöholm, The Antigone Complex: Ethics and the Invention of Feminine Desire Reviewed by.Dina Mendonça - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25 (4):301-303.
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    Conflicto y balance de derechos.Daniel Mendonca - 2018 - CDMX, México: Editorial Fontamara. Edited by Ulises Schmill.
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    Diferenças de gênero e valores relativos ao trabalho1.Helenides Mendonça & Daniela Sacramento Zanini - 2010 - Paideia (Misc) 20 (45):39-45.
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    Fisicismo Não-Reducionista: Uma atitude sem conteúdo congnitivo? Sobre o desafio de Bas Van Fraassen.Wilson Mendonça - 2007 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 11 (2):171-186.
    De acordo com a concepção dominante de causação, eventos espácio-temporalmente localizáveis que podem ser designados por termos singulares e descrições definidas são os únicos relata genuínos da relação causal. Isto dá apoio e é apoiado pela dicotomia aceita entre a explicação causal, concebida como uma relação intensional entre fatos ou verdades, e a relação natural e extensional da causação. O ensaio questiona este modo de ver e argumenta pela legitimidade da noção de causação por fatos: os relata de muitas relações (...)
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  39. Jivanmukti in Transformation. Embodied Liberation in Advaita and Neo-Vedanta (Karel Werner).A. O. Fort - 2000 - Asian Philosophy 10 (2):168-171.
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  40. The look of nothingness: Blanchot and the image.Jeff Fort - 2018 - In Christopher Langlois (ed.), Understanding Blanchot, understanding modernism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Introduction.Timothy L. Fort - 2001 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:179-179.
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    Heidegger and the Politics of Poetry.Jeff Fort (ed.) - 2007 - University of Illinois Press.
    This volume collects and translates Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe’s studies of Heidegger, written and revised between 1990 and 2002. All deal with Heidegger’s relation to politics, specifically through Heidegger’s interpretations of the poetry of Hölderlin. Lacoue-Labarthe argues that it is through Hölderlin that Heidegger expresses most explicitly his ideas on politics, his nationalism, and the importance of myth in his thinking, all of which point to substantial affinities with National Socialism. Lacoue-Labarthe not only examines the intellectual background--including Romanticism and "German ideology"--of Heidegger's (...)
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  43. Instituindo os science studies. [REVIEW]André Luís de Oliveira Mendonça & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2004 - Episteme 19.
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    Comentário a “A interminável questão: por que (devo) agir moralmente? Análise do capítulo 12 de Ética Prática de Peter Singer”.Ana Bijóias Mendonça - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400208.
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    For What Tomorrow--: A Dialogue.Jeff Fort (ed.) - 2004 - Stanford University Press.
    “For what tomorrow will be, no one knows,” writes Victor Hugo. This dialogue, proposed to Jacques Derrida by the historian Elisabeth Roudinesco, brings together two longtime friends who share a common history and an intellectual heritage. While their perspectives are often different, they have many common reference points: psychoanalysis, above all, but also the authors and works that have come to be known outside France as “post-structuralist.” Beginning with a revealing glance back at the French intellectual scene over the past (...)
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  46. Ibn Khaldun in contemporary Moroccan thought.Francesca Forte - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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    4. Nature and Self-Interest.Timothy L. Fort - 2001 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:62-86.
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  48. Should the morphine habit be classed as a disease?J. M. Fort - 1981 - In Arthur L. Caplan, Hugo Tristram Engelhardt & James J. McCartney (eds.), Concepts of health and disease: interdisciplinary perspectives. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program/World Science Division. pp. 327.
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    (1 other version)Abstrakte sinnesphysiologie AlS spekulative philosophie.W. P. Mendonça - 1989 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 20 (2):303-316.
    It is argued that the theories of the modern cognitive psychology of perception and recognition show, under rigorous logical analysis, the same problems which arise in the philosophical theories of knowledge of Descartes and Locke and lead to relativistic and solipsistic consequences. Through examination of the approachs of D. Sanders, E. B. Goldstein and J. Fodor it is shown that the perceptible world in these theories dissolves in internal representations so that despite its realistic starting-point modern cognitive psychology runs into (...)
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    Intertextuality and Iconoclasm: Diderot's "Salon of 1775".Bernadette Fort - 2007 - Diderot Studies 30:209 - 245.
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